Agriculture Weather

Historical weather data available since 2005 and a reliable 14-day forecast.

Minimize crop loss and operate efficiently no matter the weather.

Use the Forecast feature to plan your field activities for two weeks ahead.

smart weather decisions


$ 1
saved per acre
Due to unexpected weather
1 %
Less Crop Loss

in wasted Irrigation Cost

1 Day

Warning of Weather Impact

Keep your crops safe by mitigating weather risks. Prevent harvest loss by letting the system warn you about potential critical events:

Sufficient soil moisture levels are an important condition for proper plant formation and high crop yields. Monitor soil moisture for every field, to keep your crops from waterlogging and droughts and improve yields. Remote soil moisture measurements are based on satellite data that use the reflection of electromagnetic radiation for a specific spectrum from the soil surface.

We collect more than 40+ Weather Daily Points. Data sets include air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and other significant weather parameters. The data is frequently updated based on global models and data from more than 40,000 weather stations.

And More

Weather Alerts

Get notified about upcoming critical weather conditions

Location Specific

Get weather alerts for your Location and not your area.

Soil Data points

Adjust irrigation work and prevent crop roots damage.